Nature does you some good as you grieve, and science can prove it
We know that grieving can be one of the most stressful experiences we can expect in our lives. The folks at the University of Minnesota’s...

Moving Out, Moving On, Holding On to What You Can
My friend recently packed up his house of forty years. He has already moved across the country to a new life in a place where he has...

Grieving in Public: Open-door grieving
Until recently, when a well-known person died, the customary public response from the family was “Please respect our privacy at this...

Looking Back and Looking Forward: Grieving in the pandemic year
What picture comes up for you when you remember holiday celebrations from your past? Thinking of this week between Christmas and the New...

Seeking solace in nature while we grieve: What to look for
When I walk the trail at my nearby forest preserve, it takes me back to the nature walks that my mother and I took as I grew up. We went...

Insights on Sleep and Grief: Some suggestions
I have heard a lot about difficulties with sleep from my clients, some fighting to get a few hours each night, others sleeping way too...

The Pandemic Losses: An extra layer of grief
These months of Coronavirus have been a time for remembering how life used to be. Or maybe we try not to remember. Things that we’d known...

Grief Whiplash: From not enough time to say goodbye to way too much time to fill
Time can weigh heavily when there is too much of it. With this pandemic only months old, never have so many of us felt its weight at the...

We are built to grieve and survive, and even thrive, after loss
There are three things that we don’t learn until life delivers a blow: 1. Loss of the ones we love is inevitable, a sure thing, gonna...

A New Year’s Resolution in a Time of Grieving
Another New Year’s Eve usually means forming a new set of intentions for the coming year, a chance to look ahead and plan for a better...